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Test gay etero o bisex

❤️ Click here: Test gay etero o bisex

Clayton è il tipo di uomo che farebbe raddrizzare le antenne del sesso persino a uno sciamano di Bali. MACHO -Las noticias ……………. REAL MACHOTE -Su perro está en el patio………………………………… HOMBRE -Su perro vive dentro de la casa y duerme con el…..

Adesso è quasi un anno che non ho più una ragazza. Lucy è una donna incantevole, femminile, intelligente, corteggiatissima e perfettasi, ma per un matrimonio di copertura! Facevamo il bagno e dopo andavamo cambiarci in un macchione vicino alla spiaggia.

- Mi piace In risposta a luc76263427 Si, hai ragione.

Ovviamente i nomi sono fittizi. Penso che possa in qualche modo costituire materiale di discussione, con tutte le riserve del caso. Quanto a una sintesi su questa materia forse è troppo ardua. Loro pensano che io abbia una ragazza. Adesso si comporta ancora così e pensa che io non abbia portato a casa una ragazza per non darle la possibilità di intervenire e di darmi consigli su un aspetto della mia vita che lei considera tanto importante e dà per scontato che possa essere solo etero. Quanto ai ragazzi invece i miei non si sono mai impicciati di nulla, mi hanno solo messo in guardia, ma di rado, verso quelli che parlavano troppo di ragazze, perché, secondo loro, mi potevano portare su una brutta strada. In pratica tra i 14 e i 16 anni tutto quello che riguardava le ragazze doveva passare al vaglio di mia madre mentre dei amici maschi non si impicciavano. A 14 anni mi ero preso una cotta per una mia compagna di scuola, cioè, meglio dovrei dire che stavo molto bene con lei ma non mi sentivo attratto sessualmente. Ma i genitori li conosci? Perché non la inviti qui a casa? Allora la cosa mi diede molto fastidio perché io pensavo di avere fatto tutto come va fatto, cioè come mi diceva mia madre. Poi ho capito che in effetti ero forse succube di mai madre e che lei se ne era resa conto. Diciamo che dopo di allora fantasie sulle ragazze non ne ho avute più ed è avvenuta la mia scoperta della omosessualità. Stavo in campeggio con i miei e con mia sorella. Ci fermavano quasi un mese in campeggio e dopo qualche girono potevo familiarizzare con gli altri ragazzi. Avevo conosciuto un altro ragazzo che aveva 16 anni e i miei mi lasciavano molto libero perché stavo con lui e loro di lui si fidavano. Effettivamente era un bravissimo ragazzo che sembrava più grande della sua età. Passavo con lui tutta la giornata, dalla mattina alla sera tardi, stavo bene, mi sentivo a mio agio, mi faceva sentire più grande ma non parlava mai di ragazze. Per lui credo fosse esattamente il contrario. Penso che sia stato proprio questo a fare scattare la molla che mi ha fatto entrare nel mondo gay. Facevamo il bagno e dopo andavamo cambiarci in un macchione vicino alla spiaggia. Dopo tre giorni in questo modo abbiamo litigato furiosamente e ci siamo pure picchiati di brutto. Il punto è questo, non mi sono mai innamorato di un ragazzo. Quando vedo un tipo che mi piace non mi verrebbe mai in testa di baciarlo o di farmi coccolare da lui. Ho letto nel forum che a tanti ragazzi queste cose piacciono addirittura più del sesso, ma per me non è così, io a passare la vita a fianco a un ragazzo non mi ci vedo proprio, mi sembra una cosa innaturale e non mia. Io anche se dopo quello che è successo alla spiaggia del campeggio non ho più avuto rapporti fisici con nessun ragazzo, la sessualità di un ragazzo la esplorerei eccome, anzi è una specie di fissa, ma per una ragazza non sento le stesse cose, la sessualità di una ragazza non la conosco affatto e mi sentirei in un imbarazzo tremendo e poi ho provato a masturbarmi pensando a quella ragazza ma è proprio una cosa forzata, sono arrivato fino alla fine ma così, meccanicamente, in pratica non provavo nessun trasporto sessuale. Quello che penso è che mi sono fermato a metà del guado, non mi sento gay perché non mi innamoro dei ragazzi e non mi sento etero perché le ragazze sessualmente non mi dicono nulla. Penso che con una ragazza ci potrei anche stare ma passivamente, cioè accetterei ma farei fare tutto a lei, ammesso e non concesso che ci siano poi dei risultati. Mi sento strano, Project, in una grande incertezza, molto instabile. Penso significa che in pratica ne sono convinto o quasi convinto. Adesso è quasi un anno che non ho più una ragazza. Fino a poco tempo fa fare sesso con una ragazza mi mancava, ma adesso le cose sono cambiare. Faccio attività sportiva, di ragazzi nudi ne vedo tanti tutti i giorni ma non mi sono mai passate per la testa fantasie gay, questo fino a un mese fa, poi è successa una cosa stranissima, in palestra è arrivato un ragazzo nuovo che ha 23 anni, uno meno di me e io ho cominciato a fantasticare su questo ragazzo, proprio a livello sessuale, cosa che non mi era mai successa prima. La sera mi metto sul letto e penso a lui, cioè penso a lui e a me in una situazione sessuale e la cosa mi eccita molto. Ti dico, Project, non avrei mai creduto di pensare a un ragazzo in questi termini. Project scrive: ma con questo ragazzo ci hai parlato? Nicola scrive: parlato nel senso serio del termine no, perché ho paura, anzi ho la quasi certezza che sia etero, mi sembra così strano che sia io a scrivere una cosa del genere, penso che in pratica il mio interesse per lui sia solo sessuale, non lo so, ma ho questa impressione. Project scrive: se questo ragazzo ti corrispondesse, cioè se fosse interessato a parlare con te, tu come reagiresti? E poi con un ragazzo come farei? I miei mi ammazzerebbero, loro mi hanno visto sempre e solo etero al 100% e in effetti penso ancora che sia più o meno così. Per loro la parola gay è come dire depravato. Cioè, capiamoci, io parlo dal mio punto di vista, cioè dal punto di vista di un uomo sposato 33enne che sta andando in crisi perché ha delle fisse sessuali per un 25enne conosciuto al lavoro. Mi faccio le seghe pensando a un ragazzo. È pazzesco che un uomo sposato faccia queste cose eppure succede. Anzi addirittura troppo serio cioè mi eccita. È patologico tutto questo? Quindi dove sta il problema? Che sto facendo di male? Non so come possa evolvere una cosa del genere nel tempo, magari da qui a un anno avrò piantato mia moglie e sarò scappato con lui, ma non mi sembra nemmeno pensabile! E poi, uno come me che cosa è? Ma da quello che dici tu non sembra proprio. Francamente non credo e non mi ci sento proprio. Secondo me uno come me è etero anche se ha qualche piccola fissa sessuale gay, e dico solo sessuale, o meglio solo a livello di seghe perché io con un uomo non ci andrei mai a parte il rischio aids, non è proprio una cosa che mi sembra possibile. Che ne pensi Project? Non è raro che ragazzi che vivono pulsioni sessuali fortemente o addirittura esclusivamente orientate in senso gay, provino invece attrazione affettiva nei confronti di ragazze, per le quali però vivono forme di interesse sessuale attenuato o fortemente sublimato. La sessualità si polarizza con gli anni e tende a seguire non la tendenza masturbatoria gay ma quella affettiva etero. La sessualità di questi ragazzi tende ad evolvere nel tempo, la tendenza affettiva eterosessuale piano piano si sessualizza e la tendenza alla masturbazione etero aumenta. Intendo dire che in un orientamento sessuale definito, cioè stabile, sia esso, gay, etero o bisex in vario grado, le pulsioni strettamente sessuali sono sempre associate alla tendenza ad innamorarsi delle stesse persone per le quali si provano pulsioni sessuali. La bisessualità non è un fenomeno analogo alla dissociazione tra affettività e sessualità. In buona sostanza un etero si innamora affettivamente e sessualmente solo di ragazze, un gay si innamora affettivamente e sessualmente solo di ragazzi, un bisex si innamora affettivamente e sessualmente sia di ragazzi che di ragazze. In queste situazioni affettività e sessualità interagiscono in modo organico e tendono a indirizzare un ragazzo in modo globale, sia a livello affettivo che sessuale, verso altre persone. La dissociazione tra affettività e sessualità non è una forma di bisessualità ma è una realtà completamente diversa. Ci tengo a sottolineare che non si tratta di fenomeni patologici ma di realtà che toccano percentuali significative della popolazione. Statisticamente la dissociazione tra affettività e sessualità è un fenomeno rilevante, come è evidente dalle statistiche di Progetto Gay. La discordanza tra orientamento della masturbazione e orientamento affettivo è notevole ma tende a diminuire con i passare degli anni e parecchi ragazzi che pur innamorandosi di ragazze avevano una masturbazione gay, pino piano tendono a orientasi anche sessualmente in direzione etero. Devo sottolineare che i ragazzi considerano in genere la scissione tra affettività e sessualità come una forma di bisessualità e tendono a considerasi gay o almeno bisex soprattutto per effetto della masturbazione gay. Interpretare questi fenomeni non è facile perché si tratta di cose che partono da ragazzi che si considerano sostanzialmente gay e che poi pian piano, non realizzando in dimensione gay il loro mondo affettivo si sentono attratti a livello affettivo dalle ragazze e piano piano scoprono anche una sessualità etero che per loro è appagante. In diverse situazioni di dissociazione tra affettività e sessualità, si rileva nello sfondo la presenza di una famiglia di tipo molto rigido in campo sessuale e di figli che si sono sentiti in età adolescenziale ipercontrollati. Le loro amicizie femminili venivano valutate e giudicate dalla famiglia che tendeva e esercitare un controllo sulla sessualità dei figli, presupposta in modo automatico esclusivamente etero. Se esci con gli amici maschi, tutto ok, se esci con una ragazza devi dire ai genitori chi è, dove vai, quando torni, ecc. Mentre per un ragazzo che può avere una vita affettiva e sessuale etero tendenzialmente libera dal controllo della famiglia, le amicizie sono solo una parte della vita effettiva, e non quella che polarizza la sessualità, per i ragazzi che non hanno alcuna libertà nei loro comportamenti affettivi e sessuali etero, le amicizie di altri ragazzi costituiscono un ambiente estremamente gratificante proprio perché del tutto estraneo alla famiglia. Accade spesso che, anche in gruppi di ragazzi sostanzialmente etero, si creino forme di affettività speciale e molto stretta non necessariamente sessualizzata, le cosiddette amicizie particolari il migliore amico. Per un ragazzo che non ha altre valvole di sfogo sessuale le amicizie particolari assumo facilmente una coloritura sessuale. Episodi abbastanza comuni in ambiente di adolescenti etero, come il masturbarsi insieme guardando un porno etero, diventano, per un ragazzo che si sente costretto dalla famiglia nella sua sessualità, un modo per avere un proprio privato in cui la famiglia non può entrare, una sessualità che è finalmente sottratta al controllo familiare. Talvolta si arriva anche a veri esperimenti sessuali con altri ragazzi ma in situazioni che non siano in nessun modo accessibili alla famiglia e con contati solo a fini sessuali. Sono queste le fasi più acute della dissociazione tra affettività e sessualità. In queste situazioni i ragazzi divengono di nuovo ormai sono pienamente adulti, 22, 23, ma anche 25 anni oltre particolarmente sensibili ad un contatto affettivo etero. Una sola idea va tenuta ben presente e cioè che la sessualità non deve mai essere forzata. La dissociazione tra affettività e sessualità rappresenta una fase evolutiva che, lo ripeto, non ha nulla di patologico e che deve essere vissuta per quello che è assecondando la propria affettività e la propria sessualità spontanea, senza farsi troppi complessi e mettendo da parte ogni visione astratta e preconcetta di sé sia in chiave etero che in chiave gay. Le questioni di orientamento sessuale sono problemi solo nella misura in cui le si considera tali.

Capire il proprio Orientamento Sessuale ♡ Shanti Lives
VIKINGO -Sólo del peinarse……………………………………… HOMBRE -Se mira el cutis y aprecia sus músculos…………. Asique dicho esto intentaré, a ser posible q este post se vaya a la mierda como deberías de irte tú. Ask her out when you gain the courage. BAILANDO -No le gusta…………………………………. A nessuna piace essere una tacca sulla cintura di nessuno; Labbigliamento. T voy a decir una cosa, riete de tu pu. Ma i genitori li conosci?.

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Dating scam women

Online Dating Scams

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He told me he loved me. It is estimated that over 20 million people visit an online dating service every month, and in 2006, fully 31 percent of Americans said they knew someone who had used an online dating service. Nor is there a refugee camp in Dakar, Senegal full of attractive young black women who have escaped from civil war in Liberia or Zimbabwe, least of all the daughters of deceased politicians who have left them million-dollar legacies in bank accounts in Europe.

Amy had never met a man who was so passionately curious about her. A little online stalking can go a long way. Many scammers are very cunning, so being smart is NOT enough to protect yourself. After the , a grief counselor told her to make no sudden changes in her life for at least a year, and she followed that advice.

Online Dating Scams - But Amy had never seen the show or heard the term; she had no idea the practice was so common.

Not everyone using online dating sites is looking for love. Scammers create fake online profiles using photos of other people — even stolen pictures of real military personnel. They profess their love quickly. And they tug at your heartstrings with about how they need money — for emergencies, hospital bills, or travel. Why all of the tricks? The scammers transfer stolen money into the new account, and then tell their victims to out of the country. Here are some that an online love interest might be a fake. Unfortunately, online dating scams are all too common. There may be tens of thousands of victims, and only a small fraction report it to the FTC. If this happens to you, please report it at — click on Scams and Rip-Offs, then select Romance Scams. Helen Christiana Terry is a name a scammer has stolen and is using it to extort money from men saying shes a nurse in Nigeria with UNICEF when I contacted UNICEF after she emailed me and I noticed poor english for a nursing student they told me she was a fraud she or whom ever is still using the emails to commit fraud Hello Melanie, I feel what ur going thru, I met someone in EH and his voice didn't match the pic but to find out neither was the pic.. At that time everything about him I was Leary.. I didn't send money and that changed the relationship. Even at time if connecting I tried to do research in him but hit a brick wall.. These online scammers have no sense of decency. If you notice only one pic or this person escalates his emotions quickly - even before meeting! Then chances are he's a scammer. True love comes from meeting the person face to face, learning about each other in broad daylight - not over the internet!! Don't let yourselves be tricked into thinking these con artists are sincere. If you gave the scammer your bank or credit card account numbers, contact your bank or credit card company and ask how to protect your accounts. Please report this to the FTC at ftc. The details you give will go into a database that law enforcement uses for investigations. If you sent money by wire transfer service, you can report the scammer to the company. BEN HODGES i am talking to him every day and share a sweet words always and he is very sweet man i know a General can be. Your story shows many signs of a scam. Very soon he wants to marry you. He asks you to help him transfer money. If you open a bank account, you tell the bank your name and your social security number. You will be responsible for the account. If this is a scam, the man might transfer stolen money into the account. He might ask you to send money to another account. He might ask you to out of the country. If you do these things, you are helping to commit a crime involving stolen money. You could tell him you will not open the account. You can stop sending messages if you don't want to talk. I don't know which dating site u met this General on, but be aware that I have been sent 2-3 friend requests on Tango with this same name. They continuously keep changing his picture. I have never accepted his friend request. Unfortunately I recently fell victim to a romance scam online. These guys say the most beautiful things n tell u they love adore n want to spend the rest of their lives with you. Please don't buy it. They are scammers that do not care about u whatsoever. They will ask u for money. Most of them pose as widowed engineers with a child. They claim to be successful. The name of the person who scammed for a little bit of money is name Patrick Nguyen. Not his real name. They will try to transfer money into this acct, with ur name on it, via check. Rubber checks that is. Thank God my bank caught the check which had been altered. I called him out on it. Sure he scammed me for money but in the interim I learned a very valuable lesson. He will get u into serious bank fraud problems. Im pretty sure this romance scam is happening too me his name is richard lance says hes a sgt stationed in africa hes got 2 kids wife died 2 years ago etc hes nevet asked for money but asked me to send a gift card to his sone i told him no hes basically made me fall in love anywsys he offered to give me money to help with my kids since my health is so bad i ignorantly gave him my login info he tried depositing a check into it but the check is in someone elses name my bank held it saying itd been altered but then said it will be available on the 21st im not exactly sure what to do or if i should say its fraud If you tell someone your bank account number they can take money out of your account. A scammer might trick you into helping him transfer stolen money. He could ask you to accept a check in your account, and transfer money. If you get involved in a scheme, you could lose money or personal information and get in legal trouble. My scanmmer told me his name was Robert Foster and that he was a construction engineer with a daughter who was home schooled. He lived in California. I live in Florida. These guys are far reaching. I was leery at the beginning because he was talking romance at the very beginning. I thought who does that. He wanted to marry me and had not even met me. I turned him down. I had already covered myself by saying I lived strictly on my social security. Guess he though he'd get what I had. When I turned him down, I didn't expect him to come back but a few days later, he was back romancing again but in 2 weeks he was asking for the money again. None of these sites really tell you what to do when you discover this. Do you go to the police or someone else? Not sure how to report him. I did a reverse phone search and this guy has 10 addresses in California. He could have 10 people or more doing this kind of thing at each address. There should be something they can do to investigate. Hello i am talking to a person, he said his name is terry Howell he has a son name leo that goes to school on Turkey. He also ask me to get him 300 in iTunes cards 3 100. I got red flags right away when he asked for 300 ITunes cards and called the police. They referred me to an FBI site that had a form. My guy's name was Cedric Chapman. It appears this is some sort of racket and may be hard for the law to catch with him. Cedric looked to be about 50-55 with a gray goatee type beard. They sometimes steal other's identity, though I have been talking to a guy who also said the sweetest of things. Even got me to send some him some naughty pictures that he is now blackmailing on saying he will post them on Facebook and send to all my family and friends through the messager also said he tried hacking my work email to send pictures to all my work contacts. I'm not sure what to do or where to go about this. He is also saying he will send pictures to my son's school. He does use different names but he is the person in the photos. He speaks highly of his moral character and frequently quotes religious texts. He targets elderly women and soon convinces them he is in love with them and will marry them. He asks for iTunes cars, for smart phones and to create a banking account in the victims names. He encourages the women to discuss private matters about themselves. He appears to have been scamming for over five years and is quite practiced in how to get his victims to believe him. I am such a fool. I am smart and I know better. I guess I was lonely. I told him I was going to the walmart today but I knew last night that this was a scam, I am not sending anything, my heart is broken. This scam was very, very elaborate. I cant believe this. I have even spoken to him on Hangouts. Professed to be a christian. I sent him one dirty photo and I am afraid he will blast it. I met him on Facebook via a We Dont Deserve Animals I was following in my feed. I am soooo stupid but now I know I am a professional woman who is lonely. Dont fall for this ladies. It can happen to all of us. It is so easy and they can be so elaborite you eill think it is true. It was very elaborate and even though I was skeptical of the random message and the speed at which they seemed to be falling for me I too was so lonely I guess maybe I hoped I was wrong. This person invested a lot of time into this and is continuing to try and bring up ways to get an iTunes card or wire money to her aunt. It was a random message through Facebook messenger. Keith it happened to me around the same time frame. Sent a pic of a handsome older. And how pretty i was. It was elaborate also. But when he asked for money i reported him to the fbi. He contacted me and apoligized but i knew at that point that was a scam as well. I am lonely too so they prey on us single people. Taught me a lesson. I just wish i knew who the handsome man in the pic was Do NOT send him any money! Even if you did he will still have your pictures and will threaten you again and again. Please contact the FBI help line, easy to do online, and file a report. Don't worry about your pictures being revealed, it is not likely they will post them because their IP Address will be known if they do and if they really do post them it will most likely be on a site that none of your family or friends will ever see. In the future, if you decide to send provocative pictures, omit your face, they only want to see other parts anyway right? You can also notify Facebook who can monitor or cancel his account and access to your friends can be limited as well. The threat to you is not as great as it seems, but the person is a real threat and you should cut all ties to them immediately. Best wishes to you for a happy conclusion. He gave me 1 hour and he was going to post all the photos. Sadl Hilary- I have been talking to a guy that sente a follow request on Instagram and he started messaging me and ask me to go to Hangout. Our guys stories sound similar. Mine says he is a doctor working for the U. I knew by looking at his Instagram and seeing over 3,000 women he was following that he was a scammer but I have played along with it. When I realized that he was a scam I did a Google image search of him and saw that his identity belonged to a doctor alright but his name was totally different than the one he gave me. I've done nothing but play along BC people like this really piss me off! But, I am happily married and would have sent him on his was if he had been legit. He has already told me that he is in love with me and thinks about me all the time! He too has a goatee type beard that is black with gray in it. He is now divorced, has zero family and zero emergency contacts oh and zero bank account. I am 40, in a relationship and he has contacted me via Facebook. The messages mainly comprise of him declaring his undying love for me, thanking God and bad spelling and grammar. I asked many times what rank he is, what his job in the army is and could he video call me to confirm his identity. All he could say was he was a soldier and that due to him being closely monitored by terrorists, all cameras had been disabled. I also asked him if he was a United Nations soldier would that not make him a nato soldier, he once again did not answer and that was a wild guess to which I knew any proud soldier would be happy to correct me. So after a few messages were exchanged I suddenly remembered Facebook voice messaging. So I am waiting to see what his next excuse is. I mean I knew it was a scam all along but I could not work out how. This guy is a looker, well the photos he is using anyway. He must have even researched who the forces use as their main courier. I was actually looking for a number that I could call in the US to ask if it could even be possible that a service man could be without emergency contacts and a bank account. I wonder how many embarrassed women tell anyone that this has happened, because I honestly had not known it was so common until I decided to look online I really hope this comment helps someone. Almost forgot, the guys name on Facebook is Keith Elvis. This happened to me for 3 months now. This guy approached me through a text from a social media and I accepted it and then started talking everyday saying sweet things to me and I gave in. He kept asking for money because somethings are always coming up and I never thought this was a scam because he was a sweet person. And when I was on a social media looking a pictures and I happened to see the guy that I thought i was talking to all this time. I looked at this guys pages and he is married with a baby who lives in Hong Kong. You can report this to the wire transfer company you used. Call the Western Union Fraud Hotline at 800-448-1492 or the MoneyGram Customer Care Center at. Also, report to the FTC at The information you give goes into a secure database that law enforcement uses for investigations. You can also report to your state and to the social media site where you found the profile. I met a guy on facebook. He said his name was Mark Johnson government pilot working for the UK government. He said he was a widower with a daughter Mary that leaved in the UK with a nanny. He told me he had a house in San Antonio Texas, and Apartment in England. He would marry me and take care of me. He was a very sweet talker. I made me fall in love with him. Then he told me the itune card i sent him was used. Which was very stupid. The we continued to text on google hangouts. He told me he loved me. And we were soulmates. He was a government pilot. He traveled all over Europe he told me. He went to west africa an got an infection which land him in Carolina Medical Center in Poland. He said they could only get this medicine in Nigeria. I had to send the moneygram or western union money to doctor in Nigeria. And he would come back to Poland and give him the medicine so he wouldn't die from infection. And once he was well he would come meet me and we would marry. I told him he was a scammer and i blocked him from messaging me. If photos where real i do not know. And ladies there is another one out there named David M Rivas i met him on Instagram. He's a widower marine engineer in California. He has a 17 year old daughter named Bella. She is in boarding school. Another one that wanted to talk on hangouts. He told me he loved me and wanted to make a life with me. He told me he was at sea. And his bank accounting was frozen. He asked if i could open a bank account for him. So his company can direct deposit money into this account. I told him No i wouldn't open an account for him. I do not know this guy that well. It could have been stolen money going into account that would be in my name not his. I told him to have the company cut him a paper check. And he could cash it when he get back on land. And he started insulting me. So i blocked him. This sound like the same man I'm talking to now. The only thing is he has a son,Kevin,who lives with his nanny. They are in Washington D. He work for an oil share company in Scotland. He is a very sweet talker, made me fall in love with him. These only I have one big problem. Yes I know that's wrong even if I'm in a abusive marriage. But he really helps me talking with me when I need to talk about my problems. Telling me I'll send it back to you the next day. He always make it my fault that I don't have the money to send him. I try not to talk to him but I have that man under my skin and just can't stop. I am talking to a guy name Cleve Baez on Instagram from the US military. He said I was beautiful and I should transfer to hang out app. He has a tattoo on his chest and work out video. He said he loves me. He text me very day and say I miss u. He said he is in Nigeria and from the states. I'm currently being scammed by a guy named Williams Smith from Detroit Michican. Claims he is in Thailand working to repair pipes under water. He recently wanted me to contact the United Nations to help him get a vacation I said no he got told me I didn't want to meet him. I said I'm not comitting fraud for him. I'm still texting him just to see how far he will go. He claims his name is kayland Berger, goes by Kay Berger, with an email address of bergerkay119 gmail. This is what he sent via email about himself.. I'm 58 years old but very young at heart and physically. I was born and raised from a Catholic home at Linz.. I was married for 14 years. I'm widowed for 9yrs now looking for that special woman of my dreams to bring back the joy and happiness I have been missing since I lost my late wife companion. I 'm a retired Automotive engineer; I worked specifically on Trains; I'm financially stable and living without stress.. Today, I am writing to say, yes, highly educated means we are just as gullible as others. I am out about 16,000 to a scammer maybe more. Sweet nothings and an occasional online playmate and what a dupe I have been. Yes, Romania, said to be involved in medical... Name is dubious, cannot pin him to any locale. Cell number untraceable, sends him iTunes cards, the list goes on and my face is permanently red. Slick moves and honeyed words promises of a car? It is your choice whether to submit a comment. If you do, you must create a user name, or we will not post your comment. The Federal Trade Commission Act authorizes this information collection for purposes of managing online comments. For more information on how the FTC handles information that we collect, please read our. This is a moderated blog; we review all comments before they are posted. We expect participants to treat each other and the bloggers with respect. We will not post comments that do not comply with our commenting policy. We may edit comments to remove links to commercial websites or personal information before posting them. To protect your privacy and the privacy of others, please do not include personal information. Also, do not use this blog to report fraud; instead,.

Woman loses $150,000 in online dating scam
According to McGinn, the user agreement he signed when he created his sin never warned him that not every profile is that of a bona fide member. The Internet may not be one of them. For more information on Online Dating Scams visitthe federal government's online safety website. He agreed to talk on the condition that he would not be met by name. When reading an email, ask yourself whether the sentence structure strikes you as dating scam women. This is an ideal situation for the Internet scammer, as they typically count on people to be preoccupied with achieving positive online dating results. While it is true that some u successfully find good, lasting relationships on online dating sites, it is also true that many end up frustrated and disappointed. No matter how much you think you have in common with the potential partner you are talking to, remember that it is very easy to be a completely sincere person online than in real life. Harris said three dating scam women the nation's leading online dating providers have issued a joint statement of business principles that online dating providers should follow to help protect members from identity theft, financial scams and sexual predators. Embassy to confirm that the business exists.

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