UPSC IAS Answer Key 2018-19 | 3rd June Pre Exam Paper 1, 2 Solution pdf

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Satyendranath tagore first to clear ICS was selected for the Indian Civil Servicein June, 1863. This will help the candidates in tallying the answers to know their scores and start preparation for Mains freely. At present, the ILO has 187 members.

GNP per capita is used for inter-country comparison of overall development. Economically, one of the results of the British rule in India on the 19th century was the a Increase in the export of Indian handicrafts b Growth in the number of Indian owned factories. Payouts shall be provided to the TPs in alignment with the Common Norms. In the Lok Sabha, if a party does not have a minimum of 75 members, its leader cannot be recognized as the Leader of the Opposition.

UPSC IAS Answer Key 2018-19 | 3rd June Pre Exam Paper 1, 2 Solution pdf - Candidates who crossed all the barriers and still stood straight by facing all the teething troubles were surely scored marvellously in the forthcoming result. With governments today seeking effective ways to lead their nations out of these related crises whilst also taking into account these planetary boundaries, green economy in its various forms has been proposed as a means for catalysing renewed national policy development and international cooperation and support for sustainable development.

CAR, Legal Tender Money to unconventional sources like those in History e. Questions like that on GST, Application Programming Interfaces, Digital India Programme require thorough reading and understanding of on-going projects of the Government. This year there was no focus on animal biodiversity and protected areas unlike previous years. However, locations which have been asked were directly linked with current news Allepo, etc And there was less focus on conventional geography. Direct relation with news was seen like Wanna Cry, IRNSS, etc. Thus, it saw a mix of both fundamental and current affairs based question. Eliminating options were difficult this year. After reading newspaper always clarify key terms from internet. Try to refer to the official websites as much as possible. This will also help in making some unapproachable question approachable. You should be able to answer most of the questions from your strong areas.


Stucco ornamentation gajkari was used to decorate the monuments, giving it a deep relief effect even on flat walls. UPSC Prelims IAS Cutoff Marks 2018 The candidates will be shortlisted as per the minimum qualifying marks in Civil Services Main Examination 2018. Established a policy framework to encourage overseas multinational corporations that collect big data to build their large data centers within our national geographical boundaries. The State governments do not issue any treasury bills. Sanskrit College at Benaras William Jones 2. Candidates can use it to predict their performance in.