Cancer Woman and Virgo Man

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The passion that these two share won't be like beyond heaven, but will be full of warmth and emotion. I feel I lay all my cards out before him. His goal is perfection--of himself, of his work, and of everything within his sphere. I was in heaven….

I found her birth date at MyLife. Water needs to help something grow, be refreshed, hydration, thirst quencher, our purpose for Virgo. Cancer cannot help herself, she will defend if she feels accused.

Cancer Woman and Virgo Man - But it is difficult for her to draw a line between possessiveness and general concern for her partner which can suffocate Virgo male, who needs his own space at all times.

As the water of Cancer touches the earth of Virgo, it finds a place to settle down and help flourish beautiful flowers of love and happiness. This is one of the very caring and nurturing relationships of all the zodiac signs. There is a lot of respect between the two zodiac signs, and a feeling of security that is enviable. A Cancer man is a very sensitive and cautiously intelligent male who appreciates his superiority with humbleness and use it properly. He is one of a kind determined person who is steadily strong and achieves success in all conditions. He is always very protective and warm towards every person he loves and especially the lady love of his life. He in relationship with a Virgo woman always admires her polite attitude towards him and gives her the freedom she needs when she really wants to be alone. Though he may sometimes try to guideline her career options but generally he is generous and ready to stand by her side. A Virgo woman is very calm and earmarked in nature basically. She has clever wits and is a stickler who can point out flaws in almost anything but her motive is always to improve the thing and not to insult. But when she is in a relationship with Cancer man, she is stirred inwardly with his loving nature and is capable of fulfilling his strong need for both sensuality and affection. A Virgo female, who finds her relationship imperfect, cut former ties easily and looks for a new love. A Virgo woman is one mate who is quite sympathetic towards the feelings of a Cancer man making him more expressive. He finds her easy going and truly understanding. He admires her cleverness and mental sharpness and is emotionally stirred by her tender and gentle, soothingly sympathetic behavior. Sometimes, she may become a bit annoyed and critical, isolated and aloof. But he deals with this kind of situation well as he is himself well known to similar behavior patterns. He can effortlessly share his darkest secrets with her as she is kindhearted and offers him practical answers to his questions, nonetheless her simple answers to his complex issues may not be very appreciable in his eyes. But what hurts him most is her strong criticism and her interest in outer world to get love. She appreciates his sense of humor because it exudes the right amount of humor and sophistication. He also adores his Virgo lady for her responsible attitude and her strong reasoning. He always guides her in the field of career which may at times be uncomfortable for her but usually she appreciates his guidance and follows his path. He has a desire to lead and she finds his leadership fine in all the ways. Some amount of problems might arise in the relationship because of the possessive and insecure nature of the Cancer man. The Cancer man and the Virgo woman are quite compatible and they tend to strike the right cords when they start understanding the deeper meaning of love and start avoiding things that would hurt the other person. Understanding and tolerance can help her to see beautiful forests for the trees with him and he gets stimulated by the gentle ways of his lady to become more open and expressive. Flowers blossom for them and rainbows come out for their harmonic melody of love. Together they build exclusively safe and cozy environment for living with each other with such love and respect that is coveted by most of other people around. As the Water and Earth comes physically in contact with each other there are always great chances of beautiful blossoms. Both of them share a very good sexual relationship with warmth of soil and coolness of water. The sensitive nature of the Cancer man brings out the passionate side of the Virgo woman. He is often able to cause her to bloom with her own special kind of sentiments, which are pure and fine, like crystal, lacking the heaviness of extreme emotionalism. Their physical closeness also stirs their emotional oneness to a great extent. At times she might get surprised because she had no idea that she had the capability of experiencing such emotions. They both experience extreme satisfaction and fulfillment in their love-making. Sexual union is not something either of them normally views as casual or frivolous. Sally sighs with relief and pleasure as she feels his masculine, yet tender and affectionate hand sooth her worries and anxieties. At the same time he has a vivid, concrete, reminder for knowing, feeling, how risky and dangerous sex could be, and that makes it even more thrilling and exciting. Every relationship demands some level of understanding between the partners and both of them are well aware this. Usually the Cancer man and Virgo woman makes a great pair as they both have many traits in common. Moreover the way he can make a Virgo woman passionate and the way she makes Cancer man expressive is usually not possible for others to do for them. Their mutual respect and admiration plays a favorable role in their relationship but irritability and moodiness of Cancer man is not tolerable by her for a long time and similarly criticism and crankiness hurts the sensitive heart of him very deeply. But even if they end up parting ways, then also they are most likely to remain friends throughout their lives. And there will be times when they will cross paths, in the most unexpected situations. He is everything that was said in this article. He truly helps me to build my trust and he is a great l listener. Sex with him was amazing. I never had this much passion with anyone else before. He makes me feel more woman and he seems like he already knows what my needs are. Our connection is real. My cancer man we went to high school together. He disappeared for like 2yrs. Just recently we met up again, I literally fell in love. I felt that he was feeling me. Which I love, and just yesterday we had a little date. N — the sex was AMAZING! Capricorn and I parted ways…he makes sure to tell me everyday how much he loves me.. WE HAVE NEVER MET. Aintthatsomeshit Loveatfirstmessage CantwaitforTHISweekend S. Give him time and space to figure things out on his own and time to miss you. I am not saying go out there and cheat. Find something to do like go back to school. Even if there is something going on and you unsure what it is Just let him know you are there for him anytime he needs to talk and you are willing to listen. We are best friends and great parents to our twin boys. We do have moments where we argue but all that never lasts a day. He is so passionate and unpredicatble. We get on very well but he does have certain habits that will annoy me. He too hides alot from me and gets upset when I mention all the woman he has as contacts on his phone. There is so much they do for alll the woman out there that I feel its unfair. The need to help others but when it comes to me I need to be there to help him. Overall he always comes home from a night out with the boys and on several occasions ive gone to check up on him and he is where he says he is — with the guys and no girls! No matter what i do i dont catch him with anyone else. So i feel i dont have a reason to feel cheated…. He never fails to show how much he loves me though. My first love was a cancer man! I was 17 he was 18 and 10 years later I still think about this man, cry a lot coz I never experienced such love since the breakup. We dated for two years and I was off to college then we just drifted I guess. He recently married a pieces woman and called me telling me he made the biggest mistake of his life by marrying her and that we should get back together! Not forgetting Taurus lol they complement us Virgo women to the T! I love how emotional he gets and he love my critical nature. We are working through it all by not giving up on each other. He bring the passion in me. I mean I have a best friend thats a virgo and he was always like a side kick to me. You know because he was more shy then me about things, being around my best friend always made me turn into a confident leader like guy. His weakness made me stronger, I mean I was raised by a Leo and a Taurus so I have some confidence in me to be the leading type. Even though be crazy, wild, and random at times were still two best friends having fun adventures. I am a cancer man, in love with a virgo woman. Only God knows what hell I am going through. We cancerians are soo emotional, soo sensitive, looks like Virgo woman will never understand. But she can read my face. She know, whem I am happy, sad or angry. I always want to be around her, but she never wants me around her. Or she wants me around her, only when she wants. But what to do, for me she is everywhere, she is in the bath tub, she is in the soap, she is sitting next to me, she is in bed, she is singing with me, she is weeping with me. Is loving a person so bad? I want to be loved madly, loved all the time. Speaking as a Virgo woman madly in love with my Cancer man, I am sorry she wont let you show her her true self. Push off a little, we Virgos tend to mistake being loved as being smothered. She will come around. Good luck I hope you two work it out this really is the sweetest most sincere love I have EVER experienced. Everything you just quoted is everything he is for me and all I seek from my heart but I feel like he pushes me to the curb and loves on me when he is in the mood. When all I want to do is be there for him. I feel I lay all my cards out before him. I just want him to love me deprestly as much as I love him. Hi there, this is about love at first sight. My knowledge about this Virgo women is limited, rather than having seen her in the television screen when she had an interview with local television station about the success and future plans of some manufacturing company she used to work as a manager. That is all i know about her. I was never really giving any attention of what she said at that time, because i was only interested to see her sitting straight and looking extremely lovely. I have never seen anyone so exquisite and lovely in my entire life. Her attractive face, lovely look, magnetic eyes and even her voice. Her words are very sharp and accurate, on the top of that the TV camera capture her very beautifully. She were so perfect and simple at that time. She made her hair done normally and dressed elegantly. I found her birth date at MyLife. I was very desperate that i could find something about her that would calm me down for good, unfortunately i found nothing other than her name and managerial position. I cried so hard, i curse my eyes that day i wish i had never seen her in my life. I cant even be her secret admirer you know LOL. She looks very familiar to me like i have known her forever. I feel like we had a life together some where in time long ago. Its that powerful connection that made me attracted to her deeply. Anyway, the connection between Virgo women and cancer man can never be described, explained, or told. Now, the only thing i can do is wishing her to have good and healthy life, happy moments and wonderful working years. My message to her:- if you are out there reading this somewhere, i want you to keep your lovely look and add a beautiful smile to it every time everywhere you go. That is all i want from you. Who knows perhaps someday if we meet i will express what i felt for you in person for better or for worse when the time and situation are perfect. Hi there, this is about love at first sight. My knowledge about this Virgo women is limited, rather than having seen her in the television screen when she had an interview with local television station about the success and future plans of some manufacturing company she used to work as a manager. That all i know about her. I was never really giving any attention of what she said at that time, because i was only interested to see her sitting straight and looking extremely lovely. I have never seen anyone so exquisite and lovely in my entire life. Her attractive face, lovely look, magnetic eyes and even her voice. Her words are very sharp and accurate, on the top of that the TV camera capture her very beautifully. She were so perfect and simple at that time. She made her hair done normally and dressed elegantly. I found her birth date at MyLife. I was very desperate that i could find something about her that would calm me down for good, unfortunately i found nothing other than her name and managerial position. I cried so hard, i curse my eyes that day i wish i had never seen her in my life. I cant even be her secret admirer you know LOL. She looks very familiar to me like i have known her forever. I feel like we had a life together some where in time long ago. Its that powerful connection that made me attracted to her deeply. Anyway, the connection between Virgo women and cancer man can never be described, explained, or told. We have to thank God someday for creating this kind of peoples among us, because they are special jewels for this world. Now, the only thing i can do is wishing her to have good and healthy life, happy moments and wonderful working years. My message to her:- if you are out there reading this somewhere, i want you to keep your lovely look and add a beautiful smile to it every time everywhere you go. That is all i want from you. Who knows perhaps someday we will meet and feel our connection in person when the time and situation are perfect. I BLAME MYSELF FOR EVERYTHING. THE CANCER MAN NATURALLY INTELLIGENT CAPTURES ANY EMOTION. WE ARE AFRAID THAT HE WILL FIND OUT THAT WE ARE NOT PERFECT. HERE ARE 10 THINGS NO ORDER IN PARTICULAR I DO THAT HAVE MADE ME APPRECIATE AND RESPECT MY MAN AND IN THE LONG RUN HAS MADE ME APPRECIATE AND RESPECT OUR RELATIONSHIP. Dance like Jennifer in Meet the Millers. You can do it!!! DO NOT NAG HIM — We Virgos have to admit are naggers, only because we want everything to be perfect we have fallen into this category. Just remember, nagging a Cancer is not good.. GIVE HIM PRAISE — The Cancer man needs reassurance. Not that he lack confidence, he just likes to be acknowledged positive attention. TAKE CARE OF HIM — Pay attention to their needs, even the most simpliest needs. LISTEN TO HIM — When he talks to you about his problems, just listen to him, do not try to fix his problems — remember he has pride, too much. ENCOURGE HIM — The Cancer man is goal oriented — no doubt. He loves having goals, keeps him busy. Remember, actions can be louder than words. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF — this Cancer man loves for his woman to look beautiful, sexy. Do not be a typical Virgo who puts herself last, not having time for herself. Take time to shine. Im a Virgo women. Im in love with a cancer man. He every thing I want in a man. Been dating for a while now. He knows im very independent. We enjoy being together. Im ready for more. I wish that he was ready too. Well I guess he will be ready soon. Im not getting younger. I am a cancer male and was blessed and honored to have one of the most beautiful ladies love me and she was a virgo, we were like heaven,everyday i lived to see her smile and feel her tpuch she became my everybreath and 2 yrs later i still miss and long for her,she left me due to circumstances being what they were all i can say is that whoever is with her will be a better person and lucky i honestly will never love again due to never wanting to be hurt again,and i to relapsed and very well put we use to mask our feelings and us cancers have them best wishes to all and to my virgo im sorry boo and it wasnt in vein muah hey there!! I fear this guy might be the same.. My mood and feelings fluctuate a lot too.. Ok Virgo woman loves very much but from my experience I can relate to this article, they are shy they hardly show love but they do in a way that cancer man can hardly see it or notice it. The cancer man needs a partner which is confident and sure of what she wants but virgo women has problems of self confidence which may require man to built in the confidence but careful virgo ladies you have to make an effort as well we can only help so much. Want ur man to give you a good sex once in a while surprise wear something sexy and wear make up look desireble and that will get him to a good mood we love a woman that takes good care of herself like putting make up and look pretty but also has its limits not to look like a prostitute lol. Virgo women is stress out from work etc she wants man near, the man feels distant and needs a space specially if you see him stress and sees women like quiet it will be more likely to want and have a space so my advice be cheerful when he is distant and motivate him lets go out. And cancer man she likes honesty top priority of Virgo women and you to listen to her. Oh and cancer man usually are hypochondriac lol so that is my point of view in the matter hopes it helps. Today i went on a date with a virgo woman and im a cancer man. I have been with an Aquarian, a Gemini, a Leo, an Aries, and two Cancers. One of the Cancers I was with was a friend of mind that I liked for a long time that I had a one-night stand with, and I think our reactions to how the next morning went hurt both of us. I would do almost anything to make amends because Cancerian men are wonderful friends. I have been with my current boyfriend for almost one year…he is everything to me. He is my best friend, my lover, my partner…. He is also a somewhat complicated man. Since the beginning, he has had a firm rule that we do not yell and scream and fight if we have disagreements, but that we talk. He may not say that, he may not look like it my fella is the poster child of traditional, gender-biased masculinity on the outside, but if you know him and you love him you can see the light fade out of his eyes when he is in pain. You have the rare opportunity to be blessed with his trust, and you should guard it with your life. Be a loyal, patient, and steadfast partner and he will be the same. It will be a relationship like you have never experienced, and if it is right, real love. My honey has a two-week rule. One more thing before I finish…regardless of the compatibility between your suns or hell, even your whole charts, you have to have patience and realize that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Your relationship with a Cancer man will be challenging, but any good thing worth keeping is worth a challenge. Have your listening ears ready. I am thankful every day for my Cancer. I thought I was fine being single and having oodles of alone time to balance out everything else. Then, I looked back over some old pictures of when it was just my daughter and I wonderful father figures, Cancers, by the way…. I would trust him with her life and we were happy…. My life may have been fine without a relationship, but my heart was an aching, empty, desolate place having never experienced real love or a truly good relationship. I never felt that kind of emotion for someone else before! Im a virgo women. I dont know how to start but then right now i really think the article is true. Like others, i feel so excited. I know him for one month already. I love being his friend and sometimes i dont know why my heart pounding so hard when i be with him. I even can smile when i think about him. I know him from my best friend who is a girl. When i didnt text him, he feel sad and ask why i didnt text him from my best friend. He even called me last time when i get angry with him. Guess what, he come late. So, i really got angry with him. When he arrived, we quarrel. I dont know why, but we used to quarrel even though we have a lot in common. He likes to make me angry and for me, i dont want to lost if im not doing anything wrong. He says im confuse but that my opinion. When he talked about other women. I dont even scolded him. I still remember when he bring me and my best friend to his tournament. He open the door for me. We walked and talked about my interviews and he seems so happy. But what makes me weird is that, when it was his turn to play. He didnt even ask my best friend who he knew longer than me to hold his things. Actually, i want to says yes. I just make myself blurr. This probably because, i know from my best friend that he is a player. Why does he react that way? The other things is, when he with any other women. He never told me about it. He just tell my best friend who he with. So, what should i do then? Hello all of my beautiful virgo ladies out there. This article is so true i mean every last bit of it. Let me tell you one thing ladies our cancerian men love us to death. Believe me i have had some rough times with my lover but slowly with time he has learned how to take my feelings into consideration, trust me we are not the perfect couple neither we still have our ups and downs but it is over stupid things with no importance at all. And us virgos can not say that we are not emotional creatures in a sense, we nead to learn from one another as much as we can right, i mean the connection is there already!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodluck to all of the virgo women, cancer man relationships……… allll i now is that i love my hubby………. Muuuuuuah to u baby…. Hello all, Virgo and Cancer relationship are hard as we Virgo women have to understand and be patient with a lot. I have read stories of how most cancer men turn to drugs to handle the stress and emotions of the Virgo and cancer union, well my story was different, my cancer man self-medicated on women. Before I found out that my cancer man was carrying on behind my back our relationship was a bitter sweet union, we started so well I felt that I had found my soul mate and then things went bad and we started to get caught up with weekly breakups every time one of us felt emotionally hurt by the other, this resulted in my cancer man cutting me off emotionally and I was left seeking for the emotional comfort from another man although all I wanted was my cancer man. I confessed to this and it created a bigger wedge between us, more break ups and more arguments. When I found out he had cheated on me I wondered why he had even made the step for me to be his girlfriend, I wondered why he had made me feel so comfortable with him when all he wanted to do was cheat. I just could not understand why such a connection could come with so much dishonesty and hurt, he was with this other woman before I had been cut off emtionaly I was deeply hurt by his infidelity and cut ties with him 5 months later he was contacting me through email, not apologetic but just hoping that I did not hate him and being the Virgo that I am I was forgiving. We remained friends for a while until it became romantic again, I could not deal with having to discover another woman again even though we were not serious it was not something I wanted to do so we cut ties again, I started a new relationship with another man who was an Aquarius bad move we lasted three months and within those three months I could not forget my cancer man, no matter how hard I tried there was no right amount of romance, care or conversation from the Aquarius that could compete with my Cancer man, cancer and Virgo are a combination that cannot be beaten. My cancer man has his flaws but he also understands his flaws and taken steps to understand himself with my support, I feel like I am taking down a chunk of that concrete wall he has built up every day that we are together and he has become more open with his feelings as he understands that I do not judge him for having them, I love that he can cry and admit it, I love that now when he feels emotional that the shell that he retrieves into is me because I have learnt to be supportive to his emotions. As irritating as it might be for me to be the shoulder to lean on, I rather be with my cancer man than any other. We found love, lost it more times than we can count but with each loss came great lessons of forgiveness and a pure understanding of us. My Virgo Cancer love story is still on-going I am a tough cookie to crack as he says but he managed fine because he has found my soft centre. We have our day, we work through them and the results are showing. But with me he feel completely safe and very open with me. I also feel the same way; he is the first Cancer that I have ever been with and the connection is awesome. Actually, we broke up many times…but all these brake-ups last maximum few days or few weeks. And I tried very hard to cut him off for few reasons. I think I am a very hard person even with myself, as I am perfectionist. He seems quite vulnerable and helpless as he really cares about what people will think. This is the major reason, and he is very impressed by my strength. Sandra, WOw we can be the same person, you can withhold really? Scott, I want your specific opinion about the sex thing, is he doing this to punish me or because he wants to stop loving me? Since I am a cancer and a man, I can give you one piece of insight into our inner workings. Cancer men have it difficult. We feel as much as most women do minus the hormones, but we are taught that expressing those feelings, or learning how to manage them, is not really acceptable in society from a manly view. So at a young age we are not really taught how to handle acting on feelings and working through things with our hearts… and our hearts are always influencing how we deal with lots and lots of things. Especially when it comes to our mates. Knowing that we struggle with dealing with our feelings on a daily basis, these things are necessary to really be compatible with a man of such complexity: understanding, patience, compassion, honesty with feelings, and a true understanding that words cut deeper with a cancer than with any other man. We can have a thick skin, or shell, but when we expose our hearts and trust in the person we are with, we are vulnerable,and like an elephant we never forget. We may not remember all the words but will never forget the way they made us hurt and how it made us feel. We are not an easy bunch to figure out, and can be more than difficult, especially when we put our defenses up we are magically masters at this , but the compassion, understanding, togetherness and love we are capable of is more intense and goes deeper than any other male zodiac sign. Everything is double edged sword in life, and relationships take a ton of work, constantly and consistently. Work on understanding your cancer mate, and show as much patience as you can or think he deserves. Also remember that cosmology is not a answer-all science to defining our behavior, it is only a tool for insight into possible, fundamental parts of our soul. We are all made of up of much more, and that has to be considered. Hope this helps a little or something. Some may turn to drugs to mask or dull the pain associated with the intensity of those feelings, mainly negative ones. I am virgo, fire horse who had relationship with cancer exact 2 and half years ago, which started in 2009 april. My cancer man is three years older than me. What an amazing sex we had.. I never had such strong emotional, physical and intellectual bond with anyone in my life. We fought due to his financial help to his previous woman he attached. I find it very sneaky. It really hurt me as I was away from him. I just want to cut him off. This is all I want to do. I need your help, Tabitha, or anybody else, who is also a Virgo woman with a cancer boyfriend. Not only am I a virgo, I am also a firehorse! He froze, I panic and get in my car, he comes to my window and says, can I have your number? And we get back together. But when he has been hurt by me, he will go weeks without touching me. We kiss all the time, but he will back off when we start going deep. I am hurting and trying to do my classic, see ya! Please can a cancer man please respond, please? Not only am I a virgo, I am also a firehorse! He froze, I panic and get in my car, he comes to my window and says, can I have your number? And we get back together. But when he has been hurt by me, he will go weeks without touching me. We kiss all the time, but he will back off when we start going deep. I am hurting and trying to do my classic, see ya! Please can a cancer man please respond, please? My 20 month old daughter passed away in June this year and he loved her and raised her like she was his own. It as if he lost a child he created. He has custody of his 3 children ages 2 7 and 9 and I have my son who is 3 who calls him Daddy and he is his Daddy. My childrens real fathMy divorce from himer came around to create them and ditch them. My divorce from him who is a pisces will be complete in December. My man took me in a survior of sexual abuse and later domestic violence. He has changed my life and helps me work toward my goals. His children are as mine and we are a happy family even though we are all still greiving me and him more than the rest. This describes us to the T. I have never felt a bond or love like this in my entire life. We are both very similar and have are arguments but in the end we make up and the love only grows stronger. When my husband left for the last time I refused to contact him it was over for good that time. I decided I was going to raise my children alone that I could not handle another man. They were all the same and in my life they always were. Then I came across him one day after knowing him for 8 years but we werent close. My heart was pounding immediately I cant explain it. I walked up and asked in a voice I had to force out if I could leave him my number. He said yes shyly to. I left, never expected him to call, but he did. Im so thankful he did and so is he. We found something I think only these to signs can share and it cant be put into words. We have been through something that tears 10 year marriages apart and though its rough hes right beside me all the way. This is dedicated to you my Love im sorry for being a bitch at times even though I really dont really mean to be and your still here holding my hand, picking me up,helping me recover and loving me like no other. I have been involved with a cancer man for 6yrs off and on and although he gets on my nerves I love this man. I have been with other men who treat me so much better but my heart truly belongs to him. He is currently seeing another woman but still professes his love for me. Maybe one day we will be together for good. This is frightningly accurate! I do have to say Cancers are awesome in bed. Perfect match for a Virgo. He knows all the buttons to push and loves to make me feel good. I met my cancer friend at work…he can put a smile on my face at anytime anywhere…though he has big ears lol I still think he is soooo sexy and I love watching him work…im going through a divorce and scared to date. So for now I just want my cancer to be a friend, and if something comes from that the better. But I do fear the whole cancer resorting to some kindof drug or addiction just because of my father. But needless to say my cancer friend doesnt do drugs and really just started to try to drink so lets hope he doesnt like it.. Hi soulwithoutamate, Reading your story made me think of a story that I read recently of a Cancer guy discussing his painful break-up with a Virgo woman. He says he still loves her very much and wants her back. His name is Andreas and he posted his story on a site called zodiac-traits. I know that it might sound strange but, to a perfect stranger like me, it sounded like I was reading two pieces to a love story puzzle. His post is about the third to the last. Please forgive me in advance if I got your hopes up for nothing and good luck to you and many blessings for your future with your Cancer man. Lisa I have to agree with many aspects of this article, but only as a general guide. Being a Cancerian man having married a Virgo woman, I must say the relationship was lustfully intense for many years and did not slow down. I found my Virgo wife to be attentive and caring to my needs and desires and I returned the good intentions with my squishy and sensual love with aim to please. The the last 3 years of the marriage I found myself self-medicating to relieve stress derived from the relationship. In the end, interpersonal clashes arrised and we had separated on a few occasions. There were two children to the marriage and they were used to taunt me into returning to her as she could not live without me for too long. Once I left for good she flipped out! The years post separation were the worst years of my life! Literally, it was a nightmare! Looking back now, Virgo and Cancer are very compatible providing they can respect each other and Virgo seems to follow Cancers lead, but individual personalities can sometimes over-ride aspects of the Zodiacs. I have my eye on another Virgo and fingers crossed, she will not do the same. I am a virgo woman and have been involved with two cancerian men. I have found them both very comfortable and connecting initially,yet at the same time i could not handle the extreme mood swings,and manipulation and guilt trips. I have a son with the recent one and have separated. Unfortunately I was trying to understand his mood swings to then find out he was doing drugs and hiding it from me. I care about him,but I dont trust him. The other ccancerian ao did drugs…and he took a long time to get over. I know I have strong connections with Cancerians but at what cost to my happiness and my sons…. This is so sad…Hearing these stories has hit a soft spot with me. I was, and still do love with my cancerian ex. I have never connected with anyone else in such a physical, mental, emotional bond as i did with him. He instinctively knew how to make me happy and make me feel good without me even asking him of anything. He was warm, loving, tender affectionate and funny. He was a real sweetheart. He had turned to drugs as well…especially when he broke up with me. He was the most painful one to get over…and I still am not completely over him yet. After he left me, it put a deep hole inside my heart. I knew that he was having problems and i felt so helpless. I even had a psychic dream of him before he left me and everything that happened in the dream became reality a few days later. It has taken me years to get over him…. Hi i am a Virgo woman an my boyfriend is a cancer as well as my lil sister and i been with my boyfriend for a little while now and he drives my crazy sexual and mental but i love every thing about him i guess you will say hes the best i never felt like this before and i know i can be very demanding and criticizing even maybe a little crazy but with him i feel free from drama and stress he lets me know hes opinion on situation and help me realize my so called best friend was using me and might i add he loves his kids ,,,, My cancer boyfriend and I lived together for two years it was a beautiful two years the best years of my life.. These article actually is quite good and accurate. My boyfriend is cancer and I am virgo. I had almost 100% same situation. So here we go….. Both him and I agreed that our relationship was extraordinary since at the beginning. He would tell me everything….. I was usually very cool, diplomatic, and shy, even can say unresponsive with men, but I turned out to be very passionate, and sensual. I was stunned by my love affair with the cancer man. He is cancer sign and virgo rising sun, I am virgo and cancer rising sun. This may be very important for those who are learning astrology. We met over the internet as we lived in different country. It took at least a year and a half to fall in love between us. It was an unexpected affair, strong bond and passionate. I later realized that he is so business minded and keep forcing me to work with him. His plan is to keep me under his supervision and makes sure everything is fine. One day, he found a couple kissing picture in the internet and freaked out; the lady in the picture looks a lot like me. But I knew it was not me. I kept laughing because of his childish attitude. That probably hurt him…He cried while he was talking on the phone. I felt so sorry but just let him go as there was nothing I can do for him. We broke up for about one week. Then he called me desperately even though I forbid me to call my home phone. He has been always like that…on and off.. But I am pleased to have him and feeling more secure and deeply in love than ever in my life. I would love to see him personally. I will see him one day.

Virgo Woman Cancer Man – Balanced & Harmonious Match
We were just so perfect everyone were excited for us. And then suddenly he recently u up and did not try to contact me for a very insecure reason of his own. If he does not understand, he can ramp up his thoughts into agonizing anxiety, attempting to drill down through the layers of cause and effect, questioning his own perceptions, and questioning them again. If they difference a truly functional and beautiful relationship, they will value each other. I just wanted to let you guys know. There are two Cancer women, not just one.